Words like “unprecedented” seem too small to describe the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which has sorely afflicted the lives of millions of people around the world. It is hard to get one’s mind around the impact of this crisis. And yet, for many Christians in the Middle East, the pandemic is just one more crisis to add to the list.

Reflecting upon the situation at the Ras Morbat Eye Clinic in Yemen, the Ven. Bill Schwartz, Archdeacon for the Gulf in the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf, writes: “The COVID crisis is actually only one more difficulty for them in the face of three other ongoing epidemics (cholera, dengue fever, malaria) and all are greatly affected by all of the problems of the ongoing civil war.”

In the Middle East, the political instability of neighboring countries faced in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and elsewhere can overshadow all other concerns. Governments in turmoil continue to create conditions that promote poverty, food insecurity, and economic instability which put a desperate strain on refugees and displaced persons, health care, education, and family life in the best of times.

The Good Friday Offering is an opportunity throughout the Episcopal Church to support our Anglican sisters and brothers in their ministry to their neighbors to help meet the needs of innocent people caught in the middle of these realities.

Reprinted from the Diocesan Website


On Wednesday, February 24th, Bishop Fields made his annual visit to St. Peter’s. On alternate years he comes to visit with the Vestry to discuss any concerns or situations the Church may have. Among other items of business discussed was the subject of whether we should begin the process of searching for full-time Clergy.

Although it was not unanimous, the motion to start the search was made and passed. The Bishop gave us helpful information as to what to expect during the search and how to begin the process. We understand that this search could well take some time, and further information as to details and progress will be forthcoming.


Thanks to Michael Weaver St. Peter’s will soon have a new website. The vestry had a preview at the last meeting and everyone was most impressed. It’s informative, bright, contemporary, and easy to move around in. Thanks to you, Michael, for all your time involvement and expertise. This is something St. Peter’s has needed for a long time and we look forward to seeing it after the final adjustments are made.